those who are weak in faith, but not for the purpose of quarreling over
opinions. 2Some believe in eating anything, while the weak eat only
vegetables. 3Those who eat must not despise those who abstain, and
those who abstain must not pass judgment on those who eat; for God has welcomed
them. 4Who are you to pass judgment on servants of another? It is
before their own lord that they stand or fall. And they will be upheld, for the
Lord is able to make them stand.
5Some judge one
day to be better than another, while others judge all days to be alike. Let all
be fully convinced in their own minds. 6Those who observe the day,
observe it in honor of the Lord. Also those who eat, eat in honor of the Lord,
since they give thanks to God; while those who abstain, abstain in honor of the
Lord and give thanks to God.
7We do not live
to ourselves, and we do not die to ourselves. 8If we live, we live
to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or
whether we die, we are the Lord’s. 9For to this end Christ died and
lived again, so that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.
10Why do you pass
judgment on your brother or sister? Or you, why do you despise your brother or
sister? For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. 11For
it is written, “As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every
tongue shall give praise to God.” 12So then, each of us will be
accountable to God. 13Let us therefore no longer pass judgment on
one another, but resolve instead never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in
the way of another.
35But Paul and
Barnabas remained in Antioch, and there, with many others, they taught and
proclaimed the word of the Lord. 36After some days Paul said to Barnabas,
“Come, let us return and visit the believers in every city where we proclaimed
the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.” 37Barnabas wanted
to take with them John called Mark. 38But Paul decided not to take
with them one who had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not accompanied them
in the work. 39The disagreement became so sharp that they parted
company; Barnabas took Mark with him and sailed away to Cyprus. 40But
Paul chose Silas and set out, the believers commending him to the grace of the
Lord. 41He went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the
is a sad story from Acts. Paul and Barnabas had been working and travelling
together for years. Barnabas was one of the first leaders in the church to
trust Paul after his conversion, and he paved the way for him to be accepted by
the others. They’ve been to Jerusalem to make the case for gentile freedom in
Christ. They’ve evangelized in Antioch and throughout the Mediterranean world. They
have been through a lot together.
now they’re arguing about whom to take with them on their journey, and that
argument sends them off in different directions. Just hearing the passage, you
know almost as much as I do about the conflict, because the Bible doesn’t say
much more. All we really know is that these two friends argued, and that
argument led them to go their separate ways. We don’t hear much more about
Barnabas, but in later letters Paul mentions both Barnabas and John Mark
favorably, so this conflict doesn’t destroy their love for each other.
This passage is important because
conflict happens. It happens in the church, even with mature, faithful leaders.
Conflict is part of life and part of any important thing we do, especially when
change is involved. It is OK to disagree about things. It’s OK to have
different opinions in the church; that actually makes us stronger, as long as
we can disagree with love and honesty.
Conflict is challenging because we believe
what we believe because we think it’s true. That usually means if someone
believes something different, our first instinct is to think they are wrong. If
the issue we disagree about is important, it’s easy to worry that going the
wrong way will seriously damage the church. As the conflict continues, it’s
easy to think of the person we disagree with mostly in terms of our conflict,
so that they become an opponent instead of a person. When we think about a
conflict that way a basic conflict about an issue becomes a personal conflict
that can easily get out of control with very destructive consequences for the
the other hand, if we approach conflict with humility, love and respect, we can
learn from each other. A big part of working through conflict is remembering
that the person we are having a conflict with is a person like we are. We are
each more than whatever the idea is that we disagree about. Regardless of what
we disagree about, we agree on a lot and we share our common humanity. We each
have feelings and hopes and fears.
A big part of working through a conflict is
being able to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes. We can discuss an
issue productively if we can understand why the other person thinks what they
think. Most of the time when we approach it with that mindset, we can work the
conflict out. Often we won’t change our minds, but we can understand each other
and put the conflict in the context of our wider sharing, so the community can
move on.
Another important part of resolving conflict
is trusting God and remembering that our salvation and faithfulness do not
depend on what we think or decide about any question or controversy. We are
saved by God’s grace, and our identity is given to us as children of God. No
conflict in the church can take that away from us, so we don’t need to be
afraid of losing our faith because we disagree.
My hope for this church is that we can be a
community that welcomes diverse beliefs and opinions. I want everyone to be
comfortable sharing their opinions knowing that others might not agree, but
will still accept, respect and love them regardless.
I want to be open about what I believe and I
want you to be open as well. It’s OK if we believe different things. I will
respect your beliefs and listen when you express them. I need to trust that you
will tell me if anything I’m doing makes you feel uncomfortable or like your
beliefs are being threatened. The only conflicts we can’t address are the ones
we hide, and we all have a role to play in making this a safe place for faith
to grow.
all pretty theoretical, so let’s bring that back to earth by talking through an
example. We’ll start with a really simple conflict as a warm up. Let’s imagine
we want to change the carpet in the sanctuary. One person suggests replacing
the carpet with a new red carpet like the one we have; another person argues
that it would be better to take the carpet out entirely and leave the wood
floor instead.
are some reasons new carpet might be a great idea?
what are some reasons to go with wood instead?
other perspectives might people have on this question?
other factors might play a role in this discussion beneath the surface?
Do you see any ways this conflict could
become destructive to the community?
would you manage that as a member of the community who wants to keep the
congregation healthy?
would be some signs the congregation had resolved the conflict successfully?
What would be some signs the conflict hadn’t
really been resolved 5 years later?
other thoughts?
let’s take a look at a harder conflict in the church: the debate over
homosexuality. Let me start by saying this is a sermon about conflict with
sexuality as an example. It’s not a sermon about homosexuality; maybe we’ll do
that another week.
This is a conversation that has been challenging
for congregations and the denomination as a whole. It’s especially challenging
because opinions often divide along some of the same lines as many other
conflicts in our nation’s “culture wars.” Many of our disagreements in the
church and in society are seen as liberal versus conservative, which makes it
easier to see each other as enemies and harder to see each other as brothers
and sisters.
the wider society most of the debate focuses on marriage equality. In the
church there have been two main issues for debate. The first is whether the
church will ordain lesbians, gay men and transgendered people as elders,
deacons and pastors. The other main area of conflict is around whether the denomination
will allow same sex marriage. Right now we do ordain LGBT people and we do not
permit same sex marriage.
not going to resolve this conflict today, but we are going to talk through it
as an example of significant conflict. So, in a spirit of love, what are some
reasons why the church should ordain LGBT folks?
are some reasons the church should not?
are some reasons the church should allow same sex marriage?
are some reasons the church should not allow same sex marriage?
might make these questions especially threatening for people who oppose same
sex marriage?
makes these questions threatening for people who support same sex marriage?
would you feel about this debate if you were gay?
might keep you from putting yourself in the other “side’s” shoes?
else is involved in this conflict?
could make this conflict destructive for a church or denomination?
How could this conflict help the church grow and model Christ’s love to the world?
work. As you see, if we talk through something like that it helps us put
ourself in the other person’s shoes and understand why they believe something
different from what we believe. I’m not going to ask you what you think is the
right decision for the church or how we should approach it. We can talk about
that another time. Our focus today is how the church handles conflict, both how
we usually do handle conflict and how we should handle conflict.
our denomination right now many Presbyterian churches feel like the
denomination is drifting to the left theologically and politically. Some conservative
churches and pastors feel like their conscience is calling them to leave the
denomination for one of our more conservative cousins, usually the Evangelical
Presbyterian Church. One of the churches in our presbytery left the
denomination two months ago.
story in the Bible these leaders usually point to is the story of Paul and
Barnabas. I was talking about this with another pastor at the interim ministry
training seminar I went to in March. He described himself as a “Paul and
Barnabas guy.” He meant that he thinks the time has come for many people like
him to go their own way. That means leaving the fight behind and moving on with
ministry in the way he thinks is best while leaving the PCUSA to do ministry
how we think is best.
agree. I think at the level of the congregation we can have productive
discussions about sexuality and we can figure out how to work together even
when we disagree. But at the level of the denomination we have been fighting
about this so long that it’s hard to imagine real progress.
fight about sexuality isn’t getting us anywhere. When we can’t work together,
we should go our own way with love and prayer for each other. There are times
when trying to hold different view points together will not work, when we can’t
go the same place.
That’s OK. Paul and Barnabas went their own
ways and both continued to be effective evangelists for Jesus. I think if
churches that feel like they need to leave the denomination leave, they will do
more effective ministry than if they stay. They will be able to tell people
clearly that their denomination doesn’t support homosexuality, rather than
making apology for the denomination’s more liberal stance. And the PCUSA will
do more effective ministry if we let people go when they want to. We will be
freed from the distraction of a conflict that has consumed a ton of energy
while the church has withered. And we’ll be able to truly welcome all people
without having to say, “We welcome you, but we won’t marry you.” We will each
do better outreach to new people, and the church will grow.
I firmly believe that’s the right thing for
the church to do. It’s also sad. I have friends who will not stay in the
denomination, and that means I won’t see them as often. This presbytery and the
church as a whole will lose many churches, which means we will have to
consolidate and change how we function to work better as a smaller
denomination. But God will be with both groups, and we will all do better if we
follow our calling.
I have no idea who was right in the conflict
between Paul and Barnabas; at this point it doesn’t matter. At that moment they
could not move forward together, so they moved forward faithfully in separate
directions. Most of the time we can work our conflicts out with love and
honesty, but sometimes we need to go different ways. Wherever we go, whatever
we decide, God is with us as we follow. Our job is to be faithful and loving in
conflict and agreement. If we do that, God will work through us no matter what.
Thanks be to God.
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